What Does God Require of Me?
The God on the inside and the devil on the outside Recently, I have noticed a painful habit in my spiritual life. When I feel a destructive impulse or think a destructive thought, one that would not please God, I instantly feel guilty and angry with myself. I feel that being tempted is wrong in and of itself; I think: "If I was stronger, I wouldn't have such desires". But, I was reminded today when I read Matthew 4 that Jesus was tempted by the devil just as we are. Temptation is not a sin; sin is a wrong choice made after temptation. Then I wondered, what made me think that temptation was wrong? And I think it has something to do with my perception of myself, my perception of Satan, and my perception of God. Temptation makes me feel as if I am constantly falling short. Am I? Do I fall short of God's expectations? That led me to the biggest question: What does God require of me? The Carrot According to the Bible, humans are created by God in His i...